Biomedical Science

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In the Biomedical Engineering pathway, students explore the research side of modern medicine.


As students explore concepts of biology and medicine,

  • Students examine the interactions of human body systems
  • Students take on the roles of biomedical professionals to solve real-world medical cases
  • Students follow the life of a fictitious family as they investigate how to prevent, diagnose, and treat disease
Biomed Program Pics
Petri Dishes TestTubes Micropipeting






EMS1 Candy DNA MicroPCR



In the final course of the PLTW Biomedical Engineering sequence, students build on the knowledge and skills gained from previous courses to design innovative solutions for the most pressing health challenges of the 21st century. Students address topics ranging from public health and biomedical engineering to clinical medicine and physiology. They have the opportunity to work on an independent design project with a mentor or adviser from a university, medical facility, or research institution. Students take their research projects to local and state science fairs, and they present their projects to professors at the University of Texas. Bio-med students have the opportunity to earn college credit through UT with this fourth-year Project-Based Research class.

See detailed information on classes in the Biomedical Science pathway here.

Aligned Occupations
Occupations Median Wage Annual Openings % Growth
Medical and Lab Technicians $ 37,981 1,159 28%
Biological Technicians $ 42,931 452 17%
Forensic Science Technicians $ 48,152 171 35%
Chemical Technicians $ 49,733 672 10%
Medical and Clinical Lab Technologists $ 58,760 1,166 35%



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Biomed Summer Camp 2023 Opportunity:

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