Our office support staff offers the best customer service in Austin I.S.D. If you need information about Akins Early College High School, please call one of our office staff members and we will provide you with the correct information in a timely manner.
Main Phone Number- (512) 841-9900
Fax Number- (512) 841-9903
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(FRONT ROW- Left to Right)
Raquel Pulido- Data Processor (Grades/Master-Schedule)
Graciela Rico- Bookkeeper, (512) 841-9900, Ext. 71193
Connie Miralrio- Parent Support Specialist, (512) 841-9900, Ext. 71314
Samantha Pulido- Secretary/Receptionist, (512) 841-9900
Teresa Hernandez- Academy Secretary/Sub Coordinator, (512) 841-9900, Ext. 28041
Lydia Saenz- Front Desk Receptionist, (512) 841-9900, Ext. 71171
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(BACK ROW- Left to Right)
Cladianis Soto -Graduation Coach, (512) 841-9900, Ext. 71198
Raquel Martinez- Registrar, (512) 841-9900, Ext. 71509
Patty Ballin- Registrar, (512) 841-9900, Ext. 71539
Angelica Garcia- Attendance Secretary, (512) 841-9900, Ext. 59856
Melissa Adame- Bookkeeper, (512) 841-9900, Ext. 71251
Yuridia Ramirez- Management Assistant to the Principal, (512) 841-9900, Ext. 59748
Beatriz Sanchez- Data Processor (PEIMS Coordinator, (512) 841-9900, Ext. 73487
Akins Staff Directory