Academy Coordinators
Bottom Row (from left): Mr. Frankie Flores (Social Services Academy), Ms. Georgie Morell, (AHAAcademy),
Mr. Gibran Flores Fonseca (ABLLE Academy)
Top Row (from left): Mrs. Kacey Roebuck (STEM Academy), Teresa Grumbles (Green Tech Academy), Mr. Kyle Monk (New Tech Academy), & Mr. Juan Martinez (ECHS Academy)
As part of the Austin ISD High School Redesign plan, Akins High School is divided into 7 different Academies. To help each student build a personal vision of greatness, Akins has created seven Academy-structured Smaller Learning Communities.
From 9th-12th-grade career-focused learning, Academies strive to offer rigorous and relevant curricula to promote student success. Each Academy offers a core foundation of courses and real-world learning experiences for every student. Each Academy is led by 3 leaders: the assistant principal, the counselor, and the academy coordinator. At the end of each major, students are able to participate in some type of capstone, internship, and/or practicum program.
Below are links to the Seven Academy pages:
House A- Academy for Building Leadership & Legal Enterprises - ABL2E
House B- Green Tech Academy - GTA
House C- The Arts & Humanities Academy – AHA
House D- Social Services Academy - SSA
House E- New Tech Academy - NTA