Mrs. Teresa Grumbles, (512) 841-9900 ext. 71253
Library Clerk
Ms. Rebecca Rodriguez, (512) 841-9900 ext. 28218

Welcome to the Akins library! We are open from 8:30 am-4:45 pm M-TH and 8:30 am-4:35 pm on Friday! Passes are required during class!
If you have overdue books checked out, don't worry! You can return them to the book drop in front of the school or in the library. All books can be returned to the library including books from previous years and other schools.

The Akins library is encouraging all students to read at least FIVE books this summer via the 5 Book Dive. Students who complete their Bookmark will receive a $5 gift card from Book People when they take it in person. At Akins, students who complete the 5 Book Dive and our Google Form will be entered in a drawing for a gift card from Starbucks, Barnes & Noble or Chick-Fil-A when they return in August.
Students can read any five books, but here are some ideas to get you started:
Comics Plus Summer Reading Guide
Let Mrs. Grumbles know if you have any questions at Keep reading, Eagles and enjoy your summer!
Congrats to the winner of our Akins Five Book Dive, Makayla McDonald!

Library Student Book Club

Library Staff Book Club

Congratulations to Annette, Jeferson, and Kris for winning our reading program raffle!
Pictured above: Annette and Jeferson with Ms. Lozano-Sanchez and Ms. Palfenier

Pictured above: Kris with Mrs. Grumbles
Congratulations to Ms. Delmore, Ms. Lozano-Sanchez, and Mr. Martinez-Esqueda for winning our peep diorama contest!

Ms. Delmore - 1st Place (A People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn)

Ms. Lozano-Sanchez - 2nd Place (Twilight by Stephenie Meyer)

Mr. Martinez-Esqueda - 3rd Place (The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros)

Check out the library's hundreds of new ebooks and audiobooks on MackinVia!
We have lots of our most popular titles now available to checkout and read or listen to on your phone or chromebook.
To access the materials, login at the portal and search for MackinVia. Click on the tile, and you're all set.