Education & Training Program
The Education & Training program at Akins HS (also known as Ready, Set, Teach!) is an internship based program for students interested in working with children, mainly in the field of education.
The program provides internship opportunities at all levels, from early childhood through 12th grade. Students in both level 1 and level 2 classes spend an average of 6 hours per week working with teachers at local schools. This year, we have interns working in classrooms at Uphaus Early Childhood Center, Menchaca Elementary School, Paredes Middle School, and even here at Akins.
For more information, contact Mrs. Cecilia Gutierrez at cagutier@austinisd.org or 512-841-9848.
Child Development is a required prerequisite course for the Education & Training program. Open to 10th–, 11th–, and 12th–grade students in the Social Services Academy, Child Development traces growth and development from conception through adolescence. This hands-on course is based on the essential question: “What can we do to grow a healthy family?” We study all types of development in the growing child: physical, social/emotional, and cognitive/intellectual development. Class often includes demonstrations, preparing healthy snacks and meals, and practicing learning through play.
In the Level 1 class (Instructional Practices in education & Training), qualified juniors and seniors learn the basic building blocks of classroom instruction and learn to distinguish specific techniques in classroom observations. Most of their field site work is based on watching teachers and students engaged in the learning process. Students also assist teachers in creating instructional materials, grading student work, etc. Students qualify for the program based on application, interview, and background check.
In the Level 2 class (Practicum in Education & Training), seniors learn to practice the instructional techniques and strategies observed in Level 1. The focus of the internship is working directly with students, usually one-on-one or with small groups. Students also assist teachers in creating instructional materials, grading student work, etc.
The program also includes membership in the Texas Association of Future Educators, our Career and Technical Student Organization. Every year, students compete at the Regional and State conferences in many different events showcasing their work throughout the year. Students have often placed at Regionals and earned many ribbons at the Texas Tomorrow Summit State Competition in San Antonio.
Our main service project combines working with children and teacher appreciation in what we call “Babysitting Club.” Education students volunteer their time to provide free childcare for teachers’ children on staff development days, back to school night, and other events. We also provide free childcare for Akins’ families during PTSA and other parent meetings.