Softball Player Guidelines

2022 Guidelines 

Download Player Guidelines and Spirit Fee Form

  1. Eligible to play: Each player will follow all school, athletic, and UIL expectations at all Player’s must maintain a 70 average in all classes. All returning players must have completed off-season with the team to be eligible to compete for a spot on the field. If the player was out due to injury or other reasons they must complete a return to play protocol set in place by the coaches at their discretion.
  1. Being Prepared: Each player is expected to be prepared for all games, practices, and all softball related activities at the time designated by the coaching Proper school issued clothing (worn appropriately), no jewelry, and have all equipment. If any athlete is not dressed out in proper clothes, they can borrow items from coach with an exchange for 25 burpees. You must give the item back after practice and see us cross your name off the list. Otherwise, you are responsible for that item you borrowed.
  1. Absences: If a player is going to miss a practice or game, the player or a parent needs to contact Coach Mattheis before the event. High School softball activities take priority over select ball. *See Absence Make-up
  2. S.S. If a player is assigned to I.S.S. they will have to complete an Absent Make-up plus extra conditioning at the coaches’ discretion. If multiple days are assigned, multiple games may be missed, suspension from the team may result pending the infraction and at coaches’ discretion mirroring the 3 Strike Policy.
  3. School Issued Equipment: All athletes will be responsible for taking care of and storing school issued uniforms (practice and ) If the uniform is lost or damaged (due to player neglect) during the assignment, the athlete is responsible for paying a replacement fee. All uniforms must be washed and turned in within 2 weeks of the completion of the last game. Payment for lost or damage item must be made within 1 week. If payment or equipment is not received it will result in a hold in the financial office. School issued uniforms are not to be worn in public unless we are together as a team.
  1. Duty Assignments: Each player will be assigned a daily Duties are required to be completed at the end of each practice and game. All players are to stay with their duty group until their duty is complete. Players will be dismissed by their assigned coach at the end of each game. Failure to complete your duty will result in your group doing a Softball Reminder.
  1. Injuries: If a player complains of an injury or pain, they are required to see the trainer at the end of the practice, before school or during lunch. If it is an emergency injury, they will go to the training room immediately and parents will be notified. Players need to continue going to the training room before school or during lunch until they are cleared by our training staff.

*See Training Room Expectations.

  1. Respect: All athletes will display class when competing and represent Akins High School with the utmost respect, for it is a privilege to be an athlete, not a Right. Lady Eagles will respect umpires, coaches (from both teams), opponents, and other athletes in our program at all times.
  1. Game Days: Away Games- All athletes are required to ride the bus to and from all softball games unless directed otherwise. Players are to abide by bus safety rules while traveling to and from competitions. Any disruption on the bus will result in extra conditioning and Up-downs at the coaches’ discretion. On some occasions we will allow the players to ride home with We will let the girls know and a parent must sign them out at the bus. Home gamesVarsity players are to be in the stands sitting as one at the beginning of the Junior Varsity game. Junior Varsity players are to stay through the end of the Varsity game and will be dismissed by the coach after their assigned duty is complete. Leaving early from a game is the same as an Absence Make-up and will be completed the next day. DugoutAll players are to be watching and cheering on their teammates. Parents, please respect our Team Unity in the dugout as it reflects our culture in a winning way. If players are not on the field it is expected of them to run between innings, throw between innings and know what is going on in the game.
  1. Cell Phones: All cell phones should be out of site during Home games: Cell phones should remain in their lockers during all softball games. At the coaches discretion phones may be picked up before the JV game starts. The phones will be given back after the athletes complete their duties. Away games and Tournaments: All cell phones will be taken up prior to getting on the bus for away games. This is a great time for team bonding.

If a player needs to contact their parent during this time they may use the coach’s phone or their own for a brief period. Game times and updates will be given through Sports You. In case of an Emergency only, you may reach Coach Mattheis at 701-212-7463.

  1. Social Media: Any athlete participating in negative or inappropriate use of social media will have consequences and possible removal from the program. This includes any of the social media sites and texting. Group text messages are to be used be for information only.
  1. Dress Code - Students will adhere to the AISD dress code. Athletes must understand that they represent a program and campus and should be dressed appropriately. Infractions upon dress code will have consequences and possible removal from the program. Please see AISD dress code policy for specifics.
  1. Respect all parents, players, coaches and officials.
  2. Give positive encouragement to all players.
  3.  Communicate to players only at appropriate times.
  4.  Encourage daughter(s) to follow all athletic and school guidelines.
  5. Be on time to pick up your daughter from practice or games.
  6. Failure to be on time for pick up on more than three occasions will result in the termination of before/after school activities.
  7. Follow appropriate procedures for parent/coach communication.
To earn a letter in softball, the player must finish the year in good standing and must have competed in 1/3 of the varsity level games in the season, or by the coach’s recommendation. Sub-varsity will receive a certificate. The first time an athlete letters in any sport, she receives a letter jacket that has a chenille letter already sewn onto the jacket. The letter jacket is paid for through the sport’s award budget. Any extra patches must be paid for by the athlete. After an athlete receives a letter jacket, all further letterman awards will be a chenille letter with additional bars.
Due to UIL and the amateur athletic rules, athletes cannot receive any gift of valuable consideration from coaches or other students. This means, to be in UIL compliance, the Akins Softball Program will charge a “spirit fee”. Each spirit fee will pay for a game day t- shirt, game day socks, belt, meals. The spirit fee is $. This money is due by Tuesday, March 1st, 2022.
  1. Being strong students and citizens are important to the programs overall success. Coaches will check grades and conduct in classes Tutorials, along with any other re-tests will need to be scheduled for a time OUTSIDE of practice, i.e. Eagles Nest, before school or lunch. If the teacher will not allow this, the athlete will need to inform her team coach of the situation. Athletes will be issued tutorial/re-test sheets, and they must be returned to their team coach with a teacher signature. Athletes with a 74 and below will also have conditioning each Progress Report cycle at the coaches’ discretion.
  1. If an athlete is not passing at the 9 week grading period, the student will not be allowed to participate according to UIL rules: “NO pass, NO play” 
  1. If a student is ineligible, they will still be required to stay for after school practice and attend home.
  1. Athletes representing the softball program must reflect good sportsmanship on and off the A team member showing anger at herself, opponents, teammates, coaches, and/or officials, will be removed from the situation immediately.
  1. Athletes will not show any public display of affection (PDA) at school, at any softball game, or school
  1. Athletes will respect social media policies set forth by the softball program, Akins High School, and Austin
  1. Athletes must notify their coach if they get an office Athletic consequences may be issued.
  1. Stealing, referrals, profanity, truancy, fighting, disrespect to teachers or coaches, and classroom behavior problems will not be tolerated, and could result in contract and/or removal from the softball program.

Athletes who do not move into another sport are required to be in the off-season period.

  1. Concerns or problems will be addressed in this order
    1. Athlete/ Team Coach/Head Coach
    2. Athlete/ Parent/Guardian/ Team Coach/ Coach Mattheis
    3. Athlete/ Parent/Guardian/ Team Coach/ Coach Mattheis / Assistant Athletic Coordinator
    4. Athlete/Parent/Athletic Coordinator
    5. Parent to Principal

** All meetings with coaches will be scheduled by appointment during the appropriate conference period or before/after school. Concerns and issues will not be discussed before games, during games, or after games.

  1. In an attempt to build self-advocacy skills, athletes are encouraged to discuss concerns that they might have with the Head Coach first.
  1. Any concerns, problems or issues after a game, parents or athletes are to contact coach 24 hours or more after the game by email or phone (not in person after the game or through text message within the 24 hour period).
  1. Set up conference at that time, if
  1. Playing time is non-negotiable and will not be
  1. Junior Varsity competition is to safely prepare players both mentally and physically for the varsity Playing time will be distributed fairly depending on the player’s cooperation to adhere to the softball guidelines and practice expectations.

First offense3 Days x 3 sets of 5 triangles, 15 burpees, 15 Hand-release push-ups. Parent contact/meeting. Behavioral contract will be put in place. Each round under 10 minutes.

Second offense- 5 Days x 3 sets of 6 triangles, 20 burpees, 20 Hand-release push-ups. Parent contact/meeting. Possible removal from program. Each round under 15 minutes.

Third offense- Removed from program.

It is our athletic department opinion that we should teach kids to finish what they start. Our procedure for handling athletes who quit a sport while that sport is in season or are removed form a sport while that sport is in season is: that athlete will not be allowed to go into another sport during the athletic period until the season of the sport she quit is over, or they will be removed from the class. If removal is not an option, the student will be place in an alternate class for the remainder of the semester. If the student wishes to be a part of the softball program the following year, they must complete the “athletic re-entry program” which is located in the student athlete handbook on the Akins website.

Three Strike Protocol in Season: (preseason/tryouts there will be no meetings, but will count towards your try out evaluation)

  1. The athlete will have a meeting with the softball coaching staff, where at that time she will be made aware of the infraction.
  2. The student will sign the Three Strike Policy form
  3. Parents will be notified of the infraction via phone call and/or parent meeting
  4. The athlete will serve a consequence determined by the severity of the infraction (physical consequence like running, suspension from practice, innings or games)

Actions Warranting a Strike Season & Pre Season:

  1. Failure of a class for a nine week grading period in season, 2 failures in off season
  2. Skipping
  3. Disciplinary Referral
  4. ISS/Detention
  5. Not adhering to team expectations & code of conduct
  6. Other qualifying actions as determined by coaching staff

Absent Run Day Make-up (off-season)make up our Running Program/ Tabata /Coaches Discretion

Absent Make-up: 1 set of 5 triangles and/or Softball skills

Softball Reminder: 1 set of 5 triangles, 15 burpees,& 15 Hand-release pushups (Under 10 minutes)

*Any absence from practice must be made up. This is not for punishment, as there are always legitimate reasons for absences. However, in the name of fairness to team members who were at practice and did put in time and effort, an absence make-up is necessary. If absence make-up is not completed before the next game, player will not start. The player may also be asked to do some softball related drills such as hitting or fielding. If the player does not make contact with the coach they will not play in the next game no matter what.