Akins High School’s Dual Language Program

Akins Early College High School is very proud of graduating DL students. Students in the DL Program come from any of the 7 academies at Akins Early College High School. The purpose of this program is to offer non-native & native Spanish-speaking students opportunities to learn the course subject in the academic Spanish language. For example, in the DL World Geography course, students would learn vocabulary, continents, countries & cultures all in Spanish. In a DL geometry class, students would learn all the mathematic terms/vocabulary in Spanish.
(Click on this link for more information about Austin ISD's DL language program K-12.)
Students enrolled in Dual Language in high school can receive the AISD Biliteracy Seal if they take 2 dual language courses per year and successfully complete their English Language Requirements. At the end of each school year, Akins Early College High School has 20 or more students graduate with the Dual Language (DL) Seal of Biliteracy.
9th Grade
10th Grade
11th Grade
12th Grade
All Academies EXCEPT for ECHSA
Advanced Spanish 5 DL (2055.H0DL.Y) (For non-Paredes students) +
AP Spanish 4 Language & Culture (for Paredes students only who didn’t get to take the course in 8th grade) (2545.P000.Y) +
DL Advanced World Geography (4000.H0DL.Y)
DL Advanced Biology (3010.H0DL.Y)
DL Advanced Chemistry (3020.H0DL.Y)
DL Advanced Geometry (3003.H0DL.Y)
DL Latin American Studies (2115.H0DL.Y)
AP Spanish 5 Literature & Culture DL (2655.P0DL.Y)
DL United States History (4002.R0DL.Y)
DL AVID 3 (9630.R0DL.Y) if student is taking an advanced USH class
DL ALCA (2117.H0DL.Y)
DL Cinema (2215.H0DL.Y)
Can also take take DL AVID 4 (9640.R0DL.Y) if there is room in class (ECHSA prioritized)
Advanced Spanish 5 DL (2055.H0DL.Y) (for non-Paredes students) +
AP Spanish 4 Language & Culture (for Paredes students only who didn’t get to take the course in 8th grade) (2545.P000.Y)
DL Advanced World Geography (4000.H0DL.Y)
DL Advanced Biology (3010.H0DL.Y)
DL Advanced Chemistry (3020.H0DL.Y)
DL Advanced Geometry (3003.H0DL.Y)
DL Latin American Studies (2115.H0DL.Y)
AP Spanish 5 Literature & Culture DL (2655.P0DL.Y)
DL AVID 3 (9630.R0DL.Y)
Can also take the DL USH class if not in college courses (other academies prioritized)
DL ALCA (2117.H0DL.Y)
DL AVID 4 (9640.R0DL.Y)
Can also take the DL Cinema class if they have room (other academies prioritized)