Special Thanks to the Akins Graduation Committee:
Ms. T. Treviño, Registrar
Ms. R. Martinez, Registrar
Mr. John Rodriguez, Project Specialist
Ms. C. Arellano Ferretiz, College & Career Advisor
Ms. M. Van Horn, Administrator
Dr. M. Garcia, Administrator
Administrative and Academy Contacts
Administration Contacts
Mike Herbin
841-9900, Ext. 71215
Manuel Garcia
Associate Principal
841-9900, Ext. 28035
Claudia Arrellano-Ferretiz
College Advisor
841-9900, Ext. 71316
Tesi Treviño
841-9900, Ext. 71161
Raquel Martinez
841-9900, Ext. 71509
Connie Miralrio
Parent Support Specialist
841-9900, Ext. 71314
Academy Contacts
Academy | Counselor, Phone | Assistant Principal, Phone |
ABL2E Academy | Ms. Katherine De Leon, 841-9900, Ext. 71330 | Ms. Melinda Van Horn, 841-9900, Ext. 71187 |
Green Tech Academy | Ms. Margarita Moreno, 841-9900, Ext. 71212 | Mr. Ruben Sarinana, 841-9900, Ext. 51717 |
AHA Academy | Ms. Jaime Garcia, 841-9800, Ext. 71196 | Ms. Jennifer Dawson, 841-9900, Ext. 71175 |
New Tech Academy | Ms. Belinda Garces, 841-900, Ext. 71511 | Dr. Susan Thames, 841-9900, Ext. 71227 |
Social Services Academy | Ms. Jennifer Moczygemba, 841-9900, Ext. 71306 | Mr. Tyson Williams, 841-9900, Ext. 28213 |
STEM Academy | Ms. Elsa Ringgenberg , 841-9900, Ext. 71195 | Ms. Carman Wissel, 841-9900, Ext. 71243 |
Early College High School Academy | Ms. Christine Hankins, 841-9900, Ext. 71186 | Dr. Manuel Garcia, 841-9900, Ext. 28035 |
All the parents of senior students are receiving this newsletter. If your daughter or son is a candidate for graduation on Tuesday, May 28th, 2024 at 9am, please read this newsletter. If not, please disregard this newsletter. All the information contained in this newsletter will be distributed to seniors’ English classes in May. We want to make sure that you are aware of this important information. Please call Dr. Garcia, Associate Principal, the appropriate assistant principal and/or counselor if after reading this, you still have questions regarding your child’s graduation ceremony. If your son or daughter is not planning on attending the graduation, please contact, our head registrar, Ms.Tesi Treviño at 841-9900.
Important Dates
Date | Topic | Time / Location |
Tues., April 16 | Herff-Jones delivers graduation materials | Portable 330 |
Fri., April 26 | Deadline to submit Senior Check-off Form for May events | |
Sat., April 27 | Senior Prom at The Longhorn Alumni Center | 7pm-10-30pm, The Longhorn Alumni Center |
Tues., April 30 | Austin Community College Dual Credit Programs - Chancellor's Reception | Shoreline Church North |
Fri., May 3rd | Senior Breakfast for College-Bound Students only | 9:30am-11am, theater |
Wed., May 15 | Panoramic Picture in the Courtyard, & Meeting with seniors in Theater | 9:05am, Courtyard / 10:00am, Theater |
Fri., May 17 | ACC Graduation for ECHS Graduates | Cedar Park Events Center (Only for graduates receiving Associates Degrees) |
Fri., May 17 | Return Chromebooks & Pick up Cords | Gym |
Tues., May 28 | Akins Early College High School Graduation | 9:00am, Burger Stadium |
Tue., June 4 | Pick up actual diplomas from Akins High School | 9am-12pm & 2pm-4:30pm |
AISD High Schools Graduations
Date | Location | School | Time |
Wed., May 22 | Rosedale School | Rosedale School | 11am |
Wed., May 22 | Performing Arts Center (PAC) | Garza Independence | 6pm |
Fri., May 24 | Burger Stadium | Austin High | 9am |
Fri., May 24 | Performing Arts Center (PAC) | Eastside ECHS | 1pm |
Fri., May 24 | Performing Arts Center (PAC) | Ann Richards School | 4:30pm |
Tue., May 28 | Burger Stadium | Akins ECHS | 9am |
Tue., May 28 | Burger Arena | Crockett ECHS | 12:30pm |
Tue., May 28 | Burger Arena | LBJ ECHS | 4pm |
Tue., May 28 | Burger Arena | Northeast ECHS | 7:30pm |
Wed., May 29 | Burger Stadium | Bowie High | 9am |
Wed., May 29 | Burger Arena | Travis ECHS | 12:30pm |
Wed., May 29 | Burger Arena | Navarro ECHS | 4pm |
Thur., May 30 | Burger Stadium | Anderson High | 9am |
Thur., May 30 | Burger Arena | Liberal Arts & Science Academy | 12:30pm |
Thur., May 30 | Burger Arena | McCallum High | 4pm |
Caps & Gowns (Herf Jones)
It is never too late to order caps and gowns. Most students have already ordered their caps and gowns. In the event, that this has not happened, please contact Herff-Jones immediately at (800) 837-4235 or visit their website at www.herffjones.com. They will be at Akins on the day of graduation at the Burger Stadium.
Your son or daughter needs to touch base with each one of his or her teachers and continue to do so until grades are determined. If there are any questions whether a class is needed for graduation, please call your child’s counselor immediately at the numbers above. Seniors in danger of NOT graduating will receive notice and parents will be informed. If you have any concerns about how your son or daughter is doing in a class, please call your child’s counselor and assistant principal. It is highly recommended you contact the teachers directly, too. You may also visit our website at https://akinsechs.austinschools.org and click on “Staff Directory” to find a teacher’s email address and/or classroom phone numbers.
ACC Credits
If your son or daughter has been taking one or more classes at ACC that are needed for graduation, he or she must hand deliver the ACC transcript to our registrar, Ms. Tesi Treviño at 841-9900, Ext. 71161 or Ms. Raquel Martinez at 841-9900, Ext. 71509. If your child waits for it to be sent to Akins High School, it may be too late for him or her to graduate. Send materials before Wed., May 22.
On the drop-down menu for STUDENTS & scroll down to “GRADUATING SENIORS”
Credit By Exam/Correspondence Courses
Students taking a credit-by-exam or a correspondence course through UT or Texas Tech, need to know that the final grade from that course must be in the registrar’s office by May 10th. Students are responsible for obtaining the
grades and hand delivering these to Ms. Treviño or Ms. Raquel Martinez by that date.
Excessive Absences Resulting In NCs
Texas Law prohibits receiving credit for a class in which a student has been absent more than 10% of the time unless the student makes up the absences. If your child has more than 5 unexcused absences in a class for this or any previous semester, he or she will receive “no credit” or an “NC” in that class. If the class is required for graduation, he or she will not officially graduate until the absences have been made up. The student may be allowed to participate in the graduation ceremony at the discretion of his or her assistant principal but will not receive a diploma or transcript until the absences are made up. Please have your child check with his or her assistant principal now to be sure. Absence totals have been reported or reflected on each report card.
Graduation is a solemn ceremony to honor the culmination students’ academic work with a high school diploma. Graduation is set for Tuesday, May 28th at 9:00 am at the Toney Burger Stadium. The Burger Stadium is located at 3200 Jones Rd, Austin, TX 78745. Graduating seniors will need to enter through the side of the stadium (on the Jones Rd. side) by 7:30am. After arriving, they will immediately assemble under the stadium seats.
Student Expectations
Graduates must be on their best behavior upon arrival, during, and after the event. Graduates are expected to remain seated and in attendance through the end of the graduation ceremony. We ask that Seniors remain with their Class of 2024 and cannot leave early before the event ends.
Graduation Event Shown On AISD TV & Live Streaming
All AISD Graduation Ceremonies will be broadcast live on Channel 22 on Spectrum, Time Warner Cable, Grande, Google Fiber TV, and AT&T U-verse Channel 99. Watch our free live stream on Apple TV, Roky, Facebook.com/austinisd.live, and AISD TV. (Check the AISD website www.austinisd.org for more information)
Families & friends can park at Burger Stadium. It is free and available on a first-come first serve basis. AISD is running shuttle buses from the Akins High School parking from 6:30am - 8:30am. Please visit https://www.austinisd.org/graduation/free-shuttle. This is the recommended way to get to graduation for parents and family. After graduation, parents who rode the shuttle buses may return to Akins High School. Parents may choose to park at the Stadium instead.
Things Not To Bring
The following items are prohibited as people enter the Toney Burger Stadium: ONLY CLEAR BAGS. Read about the Clear Bag Policy.
Prohibited Items:
- Disorderly conduct -Smoking/Vaping
- Food & Drinks (except water) -Laser pointers
- Alcohol may not be served on AISD -Littering
- Noisemakers on air horns -Use of drones
- Balloons, confetti, silly string -powder
- Beach balls, streamers -glitter (thrown/worn)
- Firearms or explosives, weapons
- Wandering away from the designated or restricted areas
- Backpacks or large bags
- Banners, large signs, or unattended strollers
Graduating seniors should NOT bring purses, cameras, backpacks, coolers, banners, signs, flags, balloons, beach balls, noisemakers, or any other such items. Cell phones should be left with parents in the audience. Failure to comply with the guidelines may result in ejection from Burger Stadium. We would not want to ask anyone to leave the ceremony because of a disruption or failure to comply. Please remember that this is the graduation of the entire Class of 2024 not just your child’s. Please be respectful of this.
What Graduates Should Wear
Akins High School caps and gowns are required outerwear. Students should remember to show up with cap and gown in hand. They should NOT wear them on the way into the stadium. We will ask them to put their caps and gowns on there. Messages on caps, gowns, and/or shoes are not allowed. This includes no flowers, leis, money necklaces, mardi gras beads, flags, chains, LED flashing lights, etc.
All graduating seniors must dress appropriately and professionally for this formal event. No flip flop sandals, tennis shoes, and/or jeans are allowed for graduation. Students must follow the AISD Code of Conduct at this event.
The area where Seniors line up is not secure; therefore, no items can be left as the area is not monitored. Please wear shoes that are appropriate for the occasion (no tennis shoes or flip-flops). Remember you will need to walk up a ramp, across the stage, downstairs, and back to your seat so your shoes should be comfortable.
Wearing Examples

Do not decorate your cap

Do not decorate your gown

Do wear your academic cords and celebrate
NOTE: The administrator has the final discretion and authority of whether a graduating candidate is in violation of the graduation day’s dress code policy.
Parent Directions
Only graduates may enter through the Jones Road side of the stadium. Parents will be allowed to start entering the Stadium after 8:00am. The ceremony starts right at 9:00am. All graduates are expected to remain seated and in attendance through the end of the ceremony. After commencement is over, parents should meet their graduates in the parking lot.
Please be advised that noisemakers, horns, etc. are not permitted at graduation.
In The Event It Rains
In the event of inclement weather, the graduation ceremony will be moved into the Burger Arena, which has limited seating. Akins seniors will receive only 8 tickets each for family members and friends due to the seating capacity of 5,000.
Student Directions
Graduating seniors can car pool and park at the stadium’s parking lot. Once there, enter by Jones Rd by 7:30am. Assemble under the stadium’s seating. Do not bring purses or personal items including cell phones. Leave those items with your parents.
To Graduating Seniors:
As you enter the stadium, you will NOT have your your cap and gown. It will be on your arm. Tassels go on the right side of your right eye until after you have graduated. Because there is no formal rehearsal, we have only a few minutes to assemble almost 600 students and explain procedures. You will line up alphabetically. Look for alphabetical lists on the center aisle posts. A teacher/sponsor will assist you in finding your placement within the row, and he or she will report absent students to the registrar.
Keep it Digital photographer will capture the student’s acceptance of the diploma and copies will be available for purchase. The photographer will send order information and a proof directly to you through the U.S. mail. You will have one card for Keep It Digital (512-217-3177) and another card with your name for the reader.
Obligation List
If students are on the campus obligation list, they must clear these before receiving the actual diploma. This includes clearance from owed library books, activity accounts from a campus organization, chromebooks and chargers.
Special Accommodations For Physically-impaired Guests
Mobility-impaired guests who need a shuttle bus from Akins Early College High School will need to call Senaida at (512) 841-9905 to ensure a wheel-chair accessible bus. The Burger Stadium meets ADA requirements. There will be designated areas for wheel chair accessibility. Call the Burger Center at (512) 414-0469 if you have any questions about special accommodations.
ASL Interpretation
Families needing ASL will be seated in a designated area for enhanced viewing. Please notify AISD staff at the entrance of the facility that you need ASL seating.