Akins Student Council
What is Student Council?
Student Council is a group of elected and volunteer students working together with an adult advisor within the framework of a constitution or bylaws to provide a means for student expression and assistance in school affairs and activities, give opportunities for student experience in leadership and encourage student / faculty / community relations.
Who can join?
Student Council invite all Akins students to join. There are no special requirements to join STUCO.
Join our BAND app https://band.us/n/aba9A4E9O0re0
When do you meet?
Student Council meets every other Wednesday after school in the RM 220 from 4:40-5:30 pm. Below are our upcoming meeting date for Fall 2024.
- Sep. 4th (First Meeting of the Year)
- Sep. 18th
- Oct. 2nd (Committee Head Elections)
- Oct. 16th
- Oct. 30th (Fall Fun Meeting)
- Nov. 13th (Friendsgiving Meeting)
- Dec. 4th
- Dec. 18th (Winter Party Meeting)
Our Vision
We seek to represent and be representative of all students in Akins, to build a school where students and staff want to be, and to develop leaders who continually work to shape a better world for all.
Our Mission
- Promote Citizenship
- Promote Scholarship
- Promote Leadership
- Promote Human Relations
- Promote Cultural Values
Our Plans
- Involve Akins students in meaningful, purpose-oriented activities
- Utilize the ideas and support of students in solving relevant school problems
- Create harmonious relationships among faculty, administration, student body and the community
- Attend the district and state student council conferences. Click here to go to the TASC website.

View the Akins Student Council Constitution