
Every student at Akins High School gets free Breakfast & Lunch

Eligibility Provision

The Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) was created through the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, and allows qualifying high-poverty local educational agencies and schools to offer breakfast and lunch at no cost to all students without requiring families to complete an annual household meal benefits application.

Participation in CEP is based on the percentage of directly certified students. Directly certified students are those who qualify for free meal benefits without the use of meal benefit applications, for example those directly certified through SNAP or TANF.

Meal benefit applications are not collected at CEP schools; however, income verification is required for students who are not directly certified. This information may be submitted during the online enrollment process, through the Parent Cloud or and income verification form will be provided to parents. Income verification is needed to help maintain the demographic information at each campus, which is used for various funding sources and programs.

Based on this program, all students at Akins High School get free Breakfast in the Classroom (BIC) & lunch meals for the 2019-2020 school year. For more information about the meals program, click on AISD Food Services webpage below.




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