Eagle Camp for NEW Students - Thurs. 8/3

College & Career Center

Welcome Incoming 9th Graders!

We are excited to welcome you to our Eagle Family for the 2023-2024 school year! Eagle Camp is our incoming freshmen orientation. At Eagle Camp, incoming freshmen (Class of 2027) will get to learn about our academies, athletics, and organizations, take a campus tour, and will get to learn how Akins works.

Mark your calendar for Eagle Camp Freshmen Orientation (Class of 2027)!

Thursday, August 3rd

9:00 - 10:35 am

*In-Person at Akins ECHS campus*

  • Freshmen will get to practice riding their bus, tour the campus, and learn about Akins
  • Freshmen can either be dropped off at the Akins theater at 9:05 am or practice riding their bus
  • To determine your bus stop and time for pick up, go to the Bus Stop Finder on the AISD website, www.austinisd.org/transportation (this website will have bus information on August 1st)
  • Busses will pick students up at regular morning times and drop students off at 11:00 am at their regular bus stop
  • Students do not need to bring any materials but are encouraged to bring water
  • Students new to the ECHS, PTECH, or STEM Pathways (in Early College Programs) may return for a Summer Bridge II. For more information on that, visit the ECHSA Webpage

Questions? Email Georgiana Morell @ georgiana.morell@austinisd.org 

Welcome to Akins ECHS! Wings up!




Jueves, 3 de agosto, 9:00 am - 10:30 am

En persona en Akins

Se puede dejar a los estudiantes en el Teatro Akins a las 9:00 a. m. O practicar en el autobús. Vaya a austinisd.org/transportation

Los autobuses recogerán a los estudiantes a las horas regulares de la mañana y los estudiantes saldrán del campus de Akins a las 10:35 a. m.


Padres ¡Bienvenidos!

Sesión de información para padres 9:05 -10:20