Leadership Development Requirements activities (LDR) are AFJROTC teams that participate in different events throughout the year.
Kitty Hawk
Kitty Hawk Air Society (KHAS) is an academic honors society for AFJROTC Cadets. You must have at least a 3.5 GPA and have already earned your Air Force Blues uniform.
Students have the opportunity to earn their Rocketry badge by completing by building their own bottle rockets and model rockets, completing worksheets, and taking an assessment.

Orienteering is a competition that develops both physical and mental skills. Team members learn how to read terrain symbols, use a compass, and plot points on a map. As a member of the orienteering team you will compete against many other teams by traveling across different other terrains and finding different land points. Most teams will consist of two or three cadet.
Drill Team
Drill Team is made up of cadets who perform marches such as the unarmed 30 step Drill sequence. Practice is held every day except for Wednesdays.